“Dads attendance at Acredale has proved invaluable to our family. We can go to work knowing dad is safe and well cared for, Dad loves Acredale and feels he is part of a very special team. We are so happy to be a part of the Acredale family”
Elaine- Relative of an older person attending the centre
“We are overall very impressed with the service, which we believe is adding real value to our mums experience of going out and interacting socially with people outwith the family setting. Everyone is so kind and welcoming and staff are very professional at all times”
Carolyn- Daughter of older person attending the centre
“I have been volunteering at Acredale for just under a year and I am loving the experience, I help out wherever I can on the transport as an escort, within the kitchen assisting with the dishes and serving meals, as well as supporting activities. As a volunteer I feel very much a part of the team and have the same opportunities for training as the permanent staff. I love Acredale”
Caroline- Volunteer