There may be times in our lives when we strive companionship, would like to get out of the house for a little bit or simply just enjoy some crafts and activities within our own homes. If you are unable to visit Acredale due to an illness, logistics or because you may be intimidated by larger groups then why don’t you try our outreach service – Acredale@Home.
We will create a box of activities based on your interests and hobbies and bring them to you enjoy within the comforts of your own home. We can provide both mental and physical stimulation as well as creating lasting friendships with our Support Staff. You will engage with a small team of staff who will share your interest in the activities you provide. Over time you will build trusting relationships and where possible can accompany your support worker to Acredale for some of our musical events if able. To ensure you get the very best from our time with you our minimum visit time is 2 hours that way our services are not rushed and the time spent is quality time.
If you would be interested in our outreach service please contact us by phone or email and we will be happy to arrange a home visit to discuss a package of support.